Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hedgehog.. Groundhog.. make up your mind!!

We enjoyed very nice weather for about a week... thought it was announcing spring. NOT! It snowed yesterday, was 12 degrees last night with blustery winds, and should be down to about 3 tonight and windchill crystalizing all. So, I thought I'd include some pictures I took in January of the girls enjoying a snow day.


Anonymous said...

Well March has always been the unpredictable month. Spring is trying to arrive in Tokyo, but is taking its time. Family looks great. Glad all are well. Give them our best! Love you guys!

Alan and Lynette said...

Hi! I know you don't update this super often, but thought I would just say hello:) I found you through Melinda's blog and am BLOWN AWAY by how big and grown up your family is!!! Where have I been!